

Minimo comes with several 短代码s built-in.

短代码: center

Center align you content.

center: 参数

  • Markdown content between opening and closing tags.

center: Usage Example

{{< center >}}
_Center Aligned Text_
{{< /center >}}


Center Aligned Text

Shortcode: convo

Renders conversation blocks.

convo: Parameters

  • sep [String] (optional): seperator between person and text (default: “:”)

convo: Inner Syntax

person :: text

You can remove the person part, if you want.

convo: Usage Example

{{< convo sep=":" >}}

Jerry :: You don't look so tough.

Finch :: It's because I have only two modes, Jerry. Calm, and furious. It's a rare person that sees the latter and lives to talk about it.

{{< /convo >}}


  1. Jerry
    You don’t look so tough.
  2. Finch
    It’s because I have only two modes, Jerry. Calm, and furious. It’s a rare person that sees the latter and lives to talk about it.

Shortcode: file

Include content from seperate file with syntax highlighting.

file: Parameters

0 => filename [String] (required)
1 => filetype [String] (optional)

file: Usage Example

{{< file "content/" >}}


title: 主页面
linkTitle: 首页

  - main
#  - sidebar
weight: -970
> 用编程开启通向未来世界的大门.   
> — 比尔盖茨

Shortcode: katex

Renders KaTeX.

katex: Parameters

0 => mode [String] (optional): inline / block

katex: Usage Example

Inline: {{< katex inline >}} ax^2 + bx + c = 0 {{< /katex >}}

{{< katex >}}
x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}
{{< /katex >}}


Inline: \( ax^2 + bx + c = 0 \)

Block: \[ x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a} \]

Shortcode: text

Text with custom size and color

text: Parameters

You can use either Named or Unnamed Parameters

Named Parameters:

  • s or size [String] (optional): multiplier relative to the normal size
  • c or color [String] (optional): name / hex / rgb / rgba

Unnamed Parameters:

0 => textsize [String] (required): multiplier relative to the normal size
1 => textcolor [String] (optional): name / hex / rgb / rgba

text: Usage Example

{{< text s="1.4" color="purple" >}}
font-size: 1.4em;
color: purple;
{{< /text >}}


font-size: 1.5em;
color: purple;

Shortcode: slideshare

ppt分享 SlideShare presentation/document into your page.

slideshare: Parameters

Named Parameters:

  • id [String] (required): id of SlideShare you want to embed. You can find it in SlideShare URL or click “Share” -> See id field in “WordPress Shortcode” section.

slideshare: Usage Example

{{< slideshare 237760779 >}}
