配置 File: config.toml

This is the Minimo’s 配置 file ( config.toml ) file of this site:

# hugo server  -p 1234 
# hugo -D -d public
#  html 托管到 git clone https://jack2nb@bitbucket.org/jack2nb/i.git
#  blog 托管到 jinlaoshi.netlify.app
#  https://jack2nb.vercel.app  国内打不开

# 话语权并不在手里,就不能什么都说,特别是对权力的冲突
baseURL = "http://www.example.com"  
languageCode = 'zh-cn'
title = "让子弹飞一会" 
copyright = "互联新时代人人都有一个小天地"
theme = "minimo"
disqusShortname = "jack2nb"
googleAnalytics = ""
Paginate = 8
preserveTaxonomyNames = true
enableRobotsTXT = true # generate robots.txt
# Syntax Highlighting ( https://gohugo.io/content-management/syntax-highlighting/ )
pygmentsCodefences = true
enableEmoji = true
# Missing translations will default to this content language
defaultContentLanguage = "zh"
description = "飞向一个数字新世界"
title404 = "没有这个页面!"
      unsafe = true  #设置这个后开启直接raw html

favicon = "favicon.ico"
customCSS = ["css/custom.css"]
customJS = ["js/custom.js"]
gopher = "" # used in 404 template ( Generator: https://gopherize.me )

prefix = ""
holder = "金老师"
startYear = "2019"
suffix = ""

# date & time format: https://golang.org/pkg/time/
dateFormat = "2006-01-02"
listDateFormat = "2006-01-02"
archiveDateFormat = "01-02"
hideEntryNavigation = ["page"] # boolean / array of sections
hideEntryMeta = ["page"] # boolean / array of sections
showReadingTime = true
showLastmod = true
taxonomyCloudShuffle = true
accentColor = "#ffcd00"
hideMainMenu = false

enable = true

header = ["breadcrumbs"]
homepage = ["recent_posts"]
sidebar = ["about","search","sidebar_menu","taxonomy_cloud"]
footer = ["social_menu"]

client = "fuse" # algolia / fuse / lunr 开启查找功能
page = "" # Twitter page username

# Title Separator: - – — · • * ⋆ | ~ « » < >
titleSeparator = "•"

email = "jack2nb@qq.com"

enable = false

# Isso: https://posativ.org/isso/
enable = false
scriptSrc = "" # "https://isso.example.com/js/embed.min.js"
dataAttrs = "" # "data-isso='https://isso.example.com' data-isso-require-author='true'"

# Utterances: https://utteranc.es
enable = false
issueTerm = "pathname" # pathname / url / title / og:title / <string>
label = ""
theme = "github-light"

author = "authors"
category = "categories"
series = "series"
tag = "tags"

page = "/:slug/"

hrefTargetBlank = true

lang = "zh"
languageName = "Chinese"
weight = 1